Our School » Food Services

Food Services

Online Meal Application

  • Parents and guardians can submit a meal application online. The online application will be processed within 24 hours, and you will not have to fill out a paper application and mail it or hand it over to the Food Services Manager at your child's school. By clicking on the link you can access the online meal application. APPLY NOW 

     In order to complete the application you will need:


    • Names, Dates of birth and school names for all LAUSD students including any income information for them, if they have an income.
    • Names of all other household members with their income information.
    • Last 4 digits of the Social Security Number of person submitting the application or indicate “I do not have one” if you do not have a Social Security Number.
    • Just follow the instructions and provide the information being requested.
    • Lastly after the final review, click on the submit tab and finish the application.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Food Services Division at 213-241-3185.

Meal Application

  • The meal application process is federally mandated and the Food Services Division must follow all applicable regulations in order to continue to receive reimbursement funds. Each year the California Department of Education, Nutrition Services Division, must approve our meal application. Once approved, we begin the annual process of qualifying students for free and reduced meal benefits. We realize the process can often be quite confusing for parents and caregivers. To assist you, we have developed a few resources that are listed below.


    If you require additional assistance, your Cafe LA manager will be glad to assist, or you may call 213-241-3185.

Sample Application


Click Here to view a sample of this year's application. For an application in English or Spanish, please visit your school's main office or cafeteria. An original application must be completed as each has a unique control number and cannot be duplicated.

Nutritional Information and Special Diets

Special Diets

Special Diets are provided to students with a disability or medical condition that limits a major life activity such as breathing or learning; or to students with severe or life-threatening food allergies.

A current LAUSD Medical Statement to Request a Special Diet must be completed and signed by Medical Authority. This form must be completed in its entirety and returned to school cafeteria.  The Food Services Manager will complete their section of the form, ensure it is complete and then submit it to the Nutrition Specialist for assessment and/or completion.  This form must be updated annually.

Unfortunately, LAUSD is unable to accommodate special diets based on personal preferences or religious convictions. 

Soy Milk

Parents/Guardians may request soy milk for their child as a substitute for fluid milk due to medical or other special dietary needs.  Parent/Guardian Request to Substitute Soy Milk for Fluid Milk Form must be completed and given to the School Food Service Manager.  A medical authority signature is not required for this form.  The completed form will be kept on file in the school cafeteria.

Nutrient Analysis


Carbohydrate Count


Food Allergen & Ingredient List


*This list contains MAJOR Food Allergens. It does not contain ingredients such as dextrin, maltodextrin, soy oil, etc. Soy protein is included. Any ingredients that may post an allergy risk are included in this list.